Wednesday 6 August 2014

Hit the floor

very dramatic and interesting..a daughter to one of the former Devil Girl's group is struggling to make it in order to join the dance group...she does that despite her mother's disagreement and her relationship plus her family..and those who hate else can music and drama become one!!!!!..MUST WATCH!!!

Kid Cannabis

Kid Cannabis is a 2014 American film about an eighteen-year-old high school drop out and his twenty-seven year old friend start trafficking marijuana across the border of Canada in order to make money. The story is based on the life of Nate Norman, an overweight high-school dropout and pizza delivery man in Coeur D'Alene, Idaho.
He builds a multimillion-dollar marijuana ring by trafficking drugs through the woods across the Canadian border. But his pursuit of the high life - complete with girls, guns, and vicious rival drug lords.
It starts of when Nate Norman was hanging out with his buddy Topher Clark when he came up with The Idea. The two friends were sitting around Nate's house, a dumpy little place near the cemetery, and both of them were extremely stoned. And yet The Idea had more legs than your typical pot-inspired idea. It did not involve a second Twinkie inside the first one.
At the time, Nate was a nineteen-year-old high school dropout who worked at a Pizza Hut in Coeur D'Alene - a gorgeous but dull resort town in Idaho - and sold the occasional dime bag on the side. Chubby and baby-faced. Nate had never been the type to come up with a million-dollar brainstorm.
Nate had been getting his stash from a dealer in Spokane, Washington. But he had heard about how easy it was to cross the Canadian border  – only an hour north of Coeur D'Alene  – and bring back the popular, extremely potent marijuana growing in abundance in British Columbia and known, generically, as "B.C. Bud." Rumor had it that the town of Nelson had become  a place where if it took you more than ten minutes to find someone to sell you a dime bag, there was a good chance you were already high.
Once Nate hatched his smuggling plan, he and Topher realized that their first order of business would be to scrape together enough cash to make a buy. Luckily, Topher had salvaged a sunken jet boat from the lake in Coeur D'Alene and had spent the summer restoring it. To kick-start their enterprise, he dragged it to the side of the highway and sold it within minutes for $1,500
The Idea turned out to be a textbook case of business economics: Buy low, sell high and eliminate the middleman. Things happened quickly after that. Suddenly, Nate and Topher and all of their friends had more cash than they'd ever dreamed of, along with expensive cars, hot girlfriends and fancy lakefront homes. And then, just as quickly, they began to lose control. Harder drugs, guns, paranoia, eventually violence.
The group sooner or later got caught up the cops, and the rest of Nathan’s friends decided to snitch on them to the cops in exchange for a lower jail sentence. Nathan got a 12 year sentence in Jail since he refused to tell the cops who he’s supplier was. And he plans to get back into the drug business once he gets out of prison in the second movie.
Rating: 5/5


This movie came with so much hype and psyche that it did not disappoint. My favourite character of course is, was and always will be Channing Tatum. His bromance with the other blonde guy in the movie was very entertaining. And surprise surprise Jonah got the girl in the end,  forbidden girl....the police chief's [Ice Cube] daughter. LMAO! His reaction to this was priceless. And so was Channing's reaction too. I think those were my favourite scenes in the movie. Haha.

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Gimme Shelter (2013)

Gimme Shelter is based on a true story about a distressed, pregnant teenager (Apple) who takes off from her mother's abusive wrath to go in search of her father. When she does find her father, despite discovering that he has another family, she tries to get along with them when her father's wife insists that Apple does not belong in their household because of her aggressive behaviour. She is then taken to a home for homeless, pregnant teenagers and finds a family within the home.

Gimme Shelter is an eye opening drama that shows the true and raw emotions that any person might under go at such a time in their lives. it is brutally truthful and has the ability to touch your heart from the very beginning. The character of Apple encourages people to be strong and hold their ground no matter what happens.

Vanessa Hudgens, starring as Apple, has shown an immense amount of versatility in her acting abilities. She went from being the typical, shy high school girl in High School Musical to being this seemingly fearless, strong and inspiring character in Gimme Shelter.

Pretty Little Liars

Pretty Little Liars is like any other dramatized teen series with a little bit of a twist. It's a story about five best friends, Aria Montgomery, Hanna Marin, Spencer Hastings, Emily Fields and Alison DiLaurentis. The series begins with a bang as one of the characters go missing and is later found out to be dead. After her death, begins the search for the anonymous stalker "A". "A" seems to be watching the girls every move and threatens to kill and hurt them at a certain point.

Pretty Little Liars had me at the edge of my seat...until season 5 left about every question I had in mind from the previous seasons, at a loose end. After four seasons and a lot of unnecessarily stretched out moments, I feel like the series had never progressed. All the characters in the series seem to be clueless about who "A" is and are beginning to suspect people that could not possibly be part of the "A" team after taking the previous seasons into consideration. 

It seems like no one really knows how to carry the series on without being monotonous yet the storyline of it forces the plot to develop in a monotonous manner. In my opinion, the writers of the series should decide on the character that is going to turn out to be "A" and wrap it up. 

The Godfather (1972)

The Godfather (1972) is a classic movie directed by Francis Ford Coppola that has been celebrated for over 20 years and continues to inspire new movies that has to do with the classic mafia orientated movie scheme .
The Godfather is a trilogy that is based on a crime family's dynasty in the United states after Vito Corleone (the Don) had to relocate because hi father stood up to a mafia boss back in Italy resulting in the death of all his relatives.

Vito Corleone dies in the first movie thus passing on the rights to the family business to his eldest son Sonny, unfortunately his son Sonny after a distress call from his sister had to leave in a hurry thus not having enough time to bring bodyguards and was ambushed and shot to death by 5 gunmen.

After the death of Sonny, the family business was passed on to Vito's youngest son; Michael who is a celebrated WWII veteran , at first was reluctant to inherit the family business because he wanted to make an honest living. After the death of his eldest brother Sonny, his hatred for the five mafia families grew and he simultaneously ordered the murder of the five heads of the mafia families.

[My opinion]
the movie evokes a lot of emotions when it comes to family loyalty and is a great example of sacrifice for the family. The movie depicts a very realistic Italian family structure where the family comes first, before business and friends...

From watching the Godfather, one can take away a lot of life lessons and a different type of insight into how business operations must be run. It must be run in a n organized matter, where no matter what you do, it has to be done professionally if you would like it to succeed.


Wednesday 23 July 2014


Best new series 2014
I was bored one day and my friend suggested that I watch this new series called "Tyrant" and I was like okay...but wow did it blow my mind!!!!This series is absolutely awesome.So I Google everything i can about this show and I was very disappointed in the results.How could such a cool series have such low ratings. come on...IMDb gave it a rating of 8.2, I would give it a straight 10 out of 10. I just love it too much :)

My favourite character has to be Jamal. He's the protagonist and I just love his aggressive and primitive way of thinking and analysing everything, which i know is very insulting but still....I just love him. Watching this series made me want to marry an Arab in the future because of the glamourous lifestyle the characters live in being a leader in a country in the Middle East.
Jamal Al-Fayeed

Thursday 22 May 2014

click. click. click

Facing a blank screen with absolutely nothing to write about must be the dread of every author, writer and blogger.

When assigned to start and write up a blog, most of us weren't sure on where to start, what to write about or even how to go about the craze of  "blogging".

As lovers of all things meta, after discussions we all decided to settle on blogging about movies and series, something we can relate to..Cliche you say? We ask "Why not?"
Sure..come to think of it, food,travel and cars coud have been a cool blog topic, one member even suggested that we blog about weaves, hahaha..but after all deliberation we decided it's something we all can relate to and besides, we're planning to be exciting.. not the usual, boring critics and reviewers.
The ultimate action movie!!!!

So here goes!! Welcome to rolling films 254 blog site..this incredible blog is about movies, series and everything nice!! Be ready to be taken on a unrealistic exciting journey led by 7 of the finest  bloggers...We will critic, appreciate,review and analyse the very latest series and movies and take you down memory lane to know what you think of our thoughts and feelings on the good,the bad and the ugly. The best "vintage" movies and the awesome new ones.

So here's to our very first blog post. You shall all get to meet members of our group but until then we hope everyone enjoys it!!!
The famous game of thrones!!
All the single ladies stand up!! Yeeeah!!!